Our History

The After Life Initiative is the brainchild of Keeairra and Keefe Dashiell. These siblings grew up in South Central in a broken community with limited access to resources and opportunities to make something of their lives and surrounded by gang violence. The lack of a sense of purpose and hopelessness associated with this environment pushed Keeairra and Keefe to engage in crime, resulting in their incarceration.

While in the system, these siblings found insight in the harm that their decisions were causing to themselves, their loved ones, and the community. They decided to change their lives and make amends by dedicating their energy and efforts to learning how to become productive, responsible, and dependable members of society, and helping other system-impacted individuals to achieve this goal. This decision resulted in the birth of The After Life Initiative, aimed at promoting restorative justice and the rehabilitation, healing, and successful reintegration of individuals released from incarceration.


In order to transform the narrative surrounding returning citizens, at-risk youth, and incarcerated individuals, system-impacted people must organize, have access to leadership, and share their experiences to promote change. Our programs allow for individuals with lived experiences to utilize their stories as credible messengers to reach this goal.


Our Housing Assistance for Returning Citizens (H.A.R.C) program supports formerly incarcerated individuals as they reintegrate into society. It targets those who have returned home in the last 18 months, a critical period of vulnerability. Addressing the link between housing instability and recidivism, the program offers housing navigation, placement, and stabilization services which include rental assistance. Our team has firsthand reentry experience and will provide mentorship and guidance which promotes lasting housing stability and empowerment among returning citizens.

Navigating Life

Navigating life provides support for formerly incarcerated individuals who are having difficulties returning to society after completing lengthy prison sentences. Formerly incarcerated individuals will be assisted in several ways:

  • Understanding Cultural Changes in Society
  • Obtaining Meaningful Employment
  • Communicating Frustrations
  • Dealing with Rejection
  • Resisting Negative Influences
  • Meeting Probation or Parole requirements
  • Resume Building and Job Interviewing

Facility Based Rehabilitative Programs

for incarcerated youth and adults
Anger Management

Anger management teaches participants how to manage anger by identifying triggers and acquiring the necessary tools needed to develop self-control over their responses to anger. Ultimately, the goal is to improve their emotional regulation skills and enhance their ability to function effectively in society.

Criminal and Addictive Thinking

Criminal and Addictive Thinking helps participants identify attitudes and beliefs connected to criminal/addictive behaviors and leads them to pathways of healthy thinking and abstinence. Through cognitive-behavioral techniques, individuals learn to identify triggers and develop healthy coping mechanisms to prevent relapse and improve their chances of successful reentry into society

Healthy Relationships

This course examines the benefits of meaningful relationships, teaching how to form and maintain them. Participants will learn the importance of healthy communication, boundaries, mutual respect, and trust. This education will help reduce incidents of violence and abuse that are related to unhealthy relationships..

Rites Of Passage

This program focuses on transformational healing and character development for incarcerated adults and youth who want to transition towards a new identity focused on growth and potential and free from the limitations of their past experiences.

Money Matters

This financial literacy program teaches incarcerated individuals about budgeting, saving, investing, and credit management, empowering them to make informed financial decisions. It helps reduce the chances of recidivism, aids in reintegration into society, and establishes a foundation for long-term financial stability.

Community Based Prevention Programs

Youth Rites of Passage

This program is designed to provide a safe, supportive, and empowering space for at-risk youth and youth with incarcerated parents to explore their identity, build resilience, and develop critical life skills. Through mentorship, group activities, and a structured curriculum, participants learn to navigate challenges, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and build positive relationships. This program helps youth build a foundation of self-worth and confidence, increasing their chances of success both in and outside of the juvenile justice system